about  A Plastic Project  

Solve a plastic problem by launching a plastic project !

The background of the designer has allowed us to think with a "problem-solving" mindset.

Project NO.1 ,” The F-Bag 忘記袋", it is a shopping bag made of 100% plastic bag waste. The production of each " F-Bag" can consume 100g of plastic bag waste. Replace the use of new plastic with recycling.

Project NO.2, we invented a straw that can solve most of the problems in the use of eco straws. ” The CC-Straw 吸吸管“, which is only 1g heavier than a disposable straw, but it can be reused for more than one year. In order to achieve the goal of plastic reduction.

Now ! A Plastic Project is ongoing …

▍關於吸吸管  ▍

螢幕快照 2020-06-24 下午6.55.03.png

由A Plastic Project (大間研發)企劃製作的募資計畫「吸吸管」,充分展現台灣設計人的使命與精神,背後還有台灣塑膠加工生產的雄厚實力,設計能力與生產製程唯有在台灣才能發生。「吸吸管」於108年8月發起募資計畫,成功獲得近4萬組的贊助定單,募資總額高達新台幣近1300萬,創下台灣吸管專案第一、世界專案第二的獲贊助紀錄。
